The use of computer software for the simulation, analysis, and optimization of plastic components and manufacturing processes is called CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering).
In plastics processing, CAE is used to examine mechanical stresses, flow behavior in injection molds, and thermal influences during the development phase. This helps reduce material usage, production times, and costs while improving part quality. Typical CAE tools include FEM (Finite Element Method) for structural and strength analysis, as well as mold flow simulations to predict filling behavior in injection molding. The use of CAE enables early error detection and optimization before physical prototypes are created. This leads to a more efficient product development process and improved process reliability.

CAE in Injection Molding

Automation Technology: Schematic representation of computer-aided processes during development

Related topics:

This glossary of plastic industry is provided by PLEXPERT Canada Inc.


Fast access to current data is important for efficient and safe working.
Access points that are used to call up a manual for a temperature control unit or the circuit diagram for a machine, for example, are called SmartTags.

Typically, the round SmartTags are used to call up documents or system functions.
The rectangular SmartTags are used under the term SmartTag Mold for installation in injection molds.

Touching a SmartTag (regardless of the version) with a SmartPhone is sufficient to activate the function stored on the SmartTag.
This usually relates to services that are available on the intranet or, cloud-based, on the Internet.
One of these services is, for example, the free document management service Xfiles.

The access points can be programmed and customized using free programs such as the Plexpert SmartTag Writer app.

The use of SmartTags saves valuable time in everyday use. The latest version of information is always immediately available on the spot.

SmartTag in Plastic Industry
SmartTag in Plastic Industry

Automation technology: Selection of round SmartTags for different applications
Automation technology: SmartTag Mold utilisation directly on the injection mold

Related Topics:

This glossary of plastic industry is provided by PLEXPERT Canada Inc.