The definition of quality according to DIN 55 350/T11 is “the nature of a unit as its suitability to meet specified and required needs”.
Different factors are used to evaluate the quality of plastic parts.
The easiest is the optical evaluation.
Visible surfaces should not contain streaks, burn marks, sink marks and/ or air traps.
The dimensional examination is used to control the functionality of the part.
Shrinkage and Warpage are main quality criteria.
The technical drawing shows the necessary tolerances of the part for an acceptable quality.
Mechanical testings are necessary to check the different applied forces on the part dependent on its usage.
Fiber orientation, weld lines, voids and wall thickness may lead to this quality failure.
The choice of the material and the processing, both influence the mentioned quality factors decisively.
Injection molding simulation and additional structure analysis help to check the quality of a part in advance.

Quality: Tension bars help to check the mechanical properties of a material to achieve a high quality in the later part.
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