For many years, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Wippenbeck has been connected to injection molding technology. He started with mechanical engineering and application technology. Even then, the aim was to achieve a perfect product with the best possible economic efficiency. Quite a few customers confronted him with problem cases and asked for solutions and optimized settings in production.
He took on teaching duties at Aalen University, in Germany, in the field of plastic technology in the 70’s to examine the experiences from industry and to pass on his knowledge to future generations of engineers. Soon, he got a managing position there. His work, with international cooperation, led to the establishment of the master’s degree program in Polymer Technology.
Initiated by the professional association of GKV (called TecPart), industrial training in the field of injection molding was intensified additionally to the engineering degree: Several thousand participants at seminars have already been trained by him and qualified in Aalen including a considerable number of foreign employees and trainers, especially from Thailand, India and Indonesia.
In organizational terms, these activities are located at the Steinbeis Innovationszentrums Kunststofftechnik (SIZK, a non-profit company of Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH), while problem-solving is the responsibility of the Steinbeis Transfer Zentrum Aalen Kunststofftechnik (STAK). In both institutes, the author has been engaged in knowledge transfer in the sense of quality improvement and efficiency in injection molding technology.