Die Spritzgieß-Simulation bildet die Grundlage für die Entwicklung von Kunststoffteilen. Sie ist die Grundlage jeder technisch richtigen DFM.

Am Markt sind unterschiedliche Simulationsprogramme verfügbar. Jedes dieser PRogramme stellt einen eigenen Viewer für die berechneten Ergebnisse zur Verfügung. Eine der führende Simulationsprogramme für die Spritzgusssimulation ist Moldex3D.

Die Ergebnisse aus der Berechnung können in Form von RSV Dateien weitergegebenwerden. Um diese Daten zu öffnen benötigen Sie den Moldex3D Viewer. Um schnell und sicher die relevanten Daten aus den Ergebnissen zu extrahieren und die verwendeten Prozessparameter zu überprüfen, ist es gut, wenn Sie die Funktionsweise des Viewers kennen. Mit Video, Audio und Hypertext erklärt dieser Kurs die Anwendung des Moldex3D Viewers, damit Sie das Maximum aus den Simulationsergebnissen erhalten. < Zurück zum Shop

Sie erfahren alles über

  • Maussteuerung
  • Vergleich verschiedener Ergebnisse
  • Auffinden der Prozessparameter
  • Verwendung des XY-Plots
  • Erstellung von Schnitten und Isoflächen Darstellungen
  • Skalierung der Verzusgsergebnisse
  • Distanzmessung
  • Ergebnisse der Sensorknoten
  • Versteckte Funktionen

Dies ermöglicht Ihnen

  • Betrachtung des Formteils von allen Seiten
  • Unterschiede zu finden
  • Die Prozesseinstellungen zu verstehen
  • Ergebnisse mit den Ergebnissen an der Maschine zu vergleichen
  • Sehen der Verzugstendenz
  • Definition des Schwindungswertes
  • Vieles mehr

About Moldex3D Viewer R16 für Einsteiger

Simulations are done in parallel to part and mold design if it comes to the development of a plastic part. In worst cases, an injection molding simulation is done after problems are found on the shop floor.

The simulation guys have their software to take a close look to all details of the simulation and the results. The good thing is that they can share the result by creating special files that can be visualized using an appropriate viewer.

For this, sharing the file or opening a shared file is simple. But how can the Viewer be used and what is important to take a look to?

It is nice to see the colorful pictures, but it won’t help on terms of optimizing either a design of a plastic part, nor optimizing the process parameters. Therefore, a deeper understanding of what can he seen in the viewer and how to use the controls are vital in order to benefit from results. This why you need to know how to use mouse gestures, how to turn the part and zoom-in as well as how to compare different results in multi window mode.

In this course, we show all the basic functions of the viewer and move on to more complex and also hidden functions within the viewer.

With this, finding the process parameters and material details allow you to check the used parameters and understand results much better. Furthermore, you will see how to change to different time steps, use slicing and cutting functions on the part that will provide you a deeper look into the results.

Moldex3D Viewer is free of charge and you can get it either from the Moldex3D or the company who did the simulation and sent you the result file.

The understanding about how to handle the simulation results and making the most out of it is what you will obtain in this course.

This course is for

Everyone who receives a .rsv result file and needs to deal with simulation. This includes of course:

  • Part designer
  • Mold designer
  • Mold maker
  • CAE-team
  • Department leader
  • Simulation-team
  • Project buyer
  • Project manager
  • Head of Design
  • Key Account manager
  • Head of Management

Course details

For basic skill level
Around 60 min in duration
Video on-demand
Descriptive step-by-step text
Technical terms linked to our glossary
Access on computer or mobile
Certificate of completion when you finish the course

Course Specialists

Inka Sanden

Since 8 years, I have been specialist in injection molding simulation with Moldex3D. Support questions on injection molding simulation and Moldex3D are coming in daily basis. Therefore, consulting services in terms of simulation, result interpretation and comparison to real processes is my every day work. Besides that, I hold training courses to support our customers on using Moldex3D and understand better injection molding process. Participants on my course learn how to work and improve their daily experience with injection molding in general and in Moldex3D specifically.

Thomas Mann


I am working in the field of injection molding simulation since 1994. In the past 24 years I have had the chance to work with Moldflow, C-Mold, REM3D, 3D Sigma (Sigmasoft), Cadmould, TM-Concept, Simpoe, Visiflow and MOLDEX3D. Since 2006, I am CEO of PLEXPERT Germany and responsible for innovation, new development and process optimization. Still nowadays, one of my pleasures is to hold courses and share the knowledge I have earned through my daily work in the plastic industry. My constant work as consultant for injection molding provides me a solid knowledge base on how simulation software works, what are the tricks in 2.5D and 3D simulation, as well as on how to match simulation results with final results in real life,as shop floor demands. I am happy that Inka invited me to share some thoughts and provide some lessons in the course initiated by her. All participants will expand their horizons into simulation in order to use their knowledge to build better parts, saving material, costs, energy and other valuable resources.