Implement Simulation

For Part-Designer and Mold-Designer as well as for Project Manager and Quality Manager

If simulation is used in parallel to part and mold design, an efficient production is ensured.

Therefore, part costs will be minimal due to low cycle time and lowest need of precious resources.

Part Designer in Plastic Industry. PLEXPERT Injection Molding Process Simulation.

As Part Designer, you bear the main load of the responsibility for part costs.

The later an error is found, the more money is needed to solve it (factor 10 for each step further away from part design).

To avoid this, focus on:

  • Part design and function
  • Manufacturability
  • Part weight
  • Position of weld lines
  • Location of air traps

A simple filling analysis will provide all answers needed to ensure the best part design.

As Mold Designer, you are the one who is responsible on cycle time and the dimensional stability of the part.

Requirements are:

  • Best runner layout
  • Efficient cooling system
  • Low shrinkage and warpage
  • Reduces cycle time

Especially the analysis of the cooling layout is vital for low cycle time and reduced warpage.

A cooling and warpage analysis delivers all information you need to design the best mold for a given part.

Mold Designer in Plastic Industry. PLEXPERT Injection Molding Process Simulation.
PLEXPERT Injection Molding Process Simulation

As Project Manager, you need to tighten the work flow within the whole development and production process. One critical thing is to minimize time loss due to modifications on a finished mold. The consequent use of simulation is your chance to create a hassle free process for each of your projects. Simulation ensures that you will get a mold, which can be used without or with only minimal further changes. Possible threats are known upfront and can be taken care of early in the process.

An efficient production and a stable quality of produced parts are the responsibilities of the Quality Manager. Foregoing simulation will point out realistic cycle time and the required process window for manufacturing. Evaluated data will be compared with information from production to ensure a profitable process. Good plans to check part quality are done taking simulation results into account.

Please, check out our example result and report


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